Sunday, June 26, 2011

Busy Weekend

I was a busy little bee this weekend.
I canned fresh Georgia peaches

I canned some salsa

I made a wreath for my friend Stacy
who just bought a new house.


I thought it turned out so cute,
I might just keep it for myself.
Doesn't it look good on my door??

And I made matching scraves for the dogs
Gosh now I need a nap !!


  1. the salsa and peaches look delicious and that wreath is so cute- good job busy bee!!! I need to learn how to can, it seems like canning your own salsa would be cheaper and tastier than buying it...

  2. Your getting some much crafting and such done this summer...i'm so jealous!

  3. Very cute wreath!!! And good job on the peaches and salsa....I tell myself I'll get into that when my kids are in school!! haha
