Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My first 5K

On Saturday Sept 8th I did my first 5K
I had been working all summer to build up
the stamina to be able to do it.  
(I hate exercise) 
The day finally came. I was nervous but excited.
My friend Katy agreed to do it with me so
that I didn't have to walk alone.
I'm so glad she did.  She challenged me to 
walk faster then I would have if I'd gone alone.
We even jogged a little.
I was hoping to finish in 54 mins doing 18/min mile
which is what I've been doing on the treadmill.
But we did it in 48 mins doing 16/min mile
I was so happy to finish and do it faster then I
had planned.  It was a tough coarse with some killer
hills and I was pretty tired at the end,
but I was proud of myself.
Maybe I'll even do another one- MAYBE
 Katy and I before the race

After the race
It was a memorial 5K for fallen soldiers from Athens.
It was a great day for a great cause.
Thanks for going with me Katy!!


  1. You totally have to do another one on a flat course and you will go even faster!! Good job! That was a challenging course for sure.

  2. Good Job Lillie!! My first and only 5k, so far, was a trail run (which I didn't know what that meant.) Needless to say, I now call it my first 5k hike. So - I want to do a flat course, I'll do the next one with you!
