Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

My ward was doing an Easter egg hunt, so
I invited Nash. He was super excited
especially about getting candy!
They divided the kids into age groups.
Nash never made it over to his age group,
he was so distracted. He got stuck with the
nursery kids. I was worried that he
would take all the eggs before the little
kids got to them, but he was just running around
in circles so excited and never looked down
on the ground where there were a ton of eggs.
It was so funny.
He finally looked down after
we kept yelling at him!

Getting a full basket

Petting Bun Bun the Easter bunny

Happy Easter 2012

1 comment:

  1. You've got to change your green font - I can't read what you wrote. Fun pictures though! I'm glad you guys came!
