Monday, December 5, 2011

A "Giving" Bunco

December was my month to host Bunco. We always
bring a gift that we exchange for ourselves. But this time I
decided that since it is Christmas time that
we should bring a toy that we could donate
to Toys for Tots.
Everyone was excited to have the opportunity
to give!!

Here are the festive treat bowls for the tables

I made a huge roast with potatoes, carrots and a tossed salad
It turned out awesome. Its was so yummy if I do say so
myself. I've never made a roast that good before.
After I browned it on all sides, I smothered it in
cream of mushroom soup, cream of mushroom with
roasted garlic soup and onion soup mix
Cooked it at 325 for 8 hours

Chocolate cake for dessert

Here are all the toys everyone brought

Me donating them at the Toys for Tots box
Thanks girls, I know you have made
a child's Christmas very happy


  1. Lillie - you did an awesome job with Bunco and the food was delicious!!

  2. Loved it! The cake was my favorite:) And the candy. haha. Oh and my snowflake ornament is the prettiest one on my tree!
