Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween 2011

It's that time of year again to dress up the dogs and
get a good laugh.
My friend Beckie helped me make Lola's costume
this year. She is a cute little flower.
She actually started to love (well like) wearing it!!

This is my little bumble bee and flower
posing for their picture.
Is there anything cuter??

I decided to dress up this year and go to the
trunk-or-treat at Stacy's ward with
my nephew.
So I put on my angel wings and halo
and became a "holy cow"

Nash dressed up as a golfer.
Ready for a hole in one.

A golfer and a cow walk into a bar. . .
Oh maybe you've already heard that one
Don't we look adorable- haha


  1. Your dogs are the cutest and that holy cow costume is hilarious!! I love it! And it is so cute too!!

  2. Very fun! I love your costume. Also, cool story about your car - aren't you glad you said a prayer! Heavenly Father IS a mechanic, among others things! ;)
